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Mars ignites will; fuel ambition, conquer with courage

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17 jan, 2024 Mars-Planet-in-Astrology

Warrior planet's vigor; assert dominance, energize your drive

Mars According to Jyotish Acharya Devraj Ji

Mars, known as 'Mangal' in Vedic astrology, is a planet that commands attention with its fierce red glow and formidable presence. Jyotish Acharya Devraj Ji, whose profound insights have made him the greatest Vedic astrologer of our time, interprets Mars as the celestial warrior, the bearer of energy, action, and desire. In the astrological sphere, Mars symbolizes the raw force that drives our ambitions and determines our capacity for assertion and conquest. It is a planet that governs courage, passion, and the spirit of enterprise. According to Devraj Ji, Mars is the fire that kindles our will to act, to defend, and to overcome obstacles. It is the dynamism behind our competitive nature and our ability to assert ourselves in the world.

In the birth chart, Mars represents our physical vitality, combativeness, and the assertive yang energy. A strong and well-placed Mars endows the individual with the qualities of a leader, an innovator, or a protector. It imparts stamina, resilience, and the spirit of a pioneer. Those graced by a favorable Mars are often found at the forefront of action, taking initiative, and displaying a fearless approach to challenges. They are the trailblazers, the athletes, the warriors, and the defenders of the weak.

However, an afflicted Mars can manifest as aggression, impulsivity, and conflict. Devraj Ji cautions that such a Mars can lead to a tendency towards rash actions, accidents, and disputes. It is crucial, therefore, to understand the placement and aspects of Mars in one's chart to channel its vigorous energies constructively. Devraj Ji suggests practices such as honoring Lord Hanuman, engaging in disciplined physical activities, and channeling passion into creative endeavors to mitigate the adverse effects and amplify the positive aspects of Mars.

Nature, Feature and Characteristics of Mars in Astrology

In astrology, Mars is often referred to as the 'Red Planet' due to its fiery nature and crimson appearance. It is a masculine planet, symbolizing assertiveness, strength, and the drive for action. Mars rules over the signs of Aries and Scorpio, and it is exalted in Capricorn, where its energies are directed towards discipline and strategic planning. The features of Mars include its association with the metal iron, its influence on our energy levels, and its role in determining our capacity for courage and confrontation. Mars in a chart can indicate a person's ability to lead, to fight for their beliefs, and to take decisive action. It is also connected with the physical body, especially muscles, blood, and overall vitality.

Astronomical Attributes of Mars

Astronomically, Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and is roughly half the size of Earth. The average distance from Earth to Mars is about 225 million kilometers (140 million miles), but this varies greatly due to the elliptical orbits of both planets. The average distance from the Sun to Mars is about 228 million kilometers (142 million miles). The planet appears reddish due to its iron oxide-rich soil, giving it the nickname 'Red Planet'. Mars has a thin atmosphere, which contributes to its wide temperature fluctuations, ranging from about -125°C (-195°F) during the night to 20°C (68°F) at the equator during the daytime.

What Is So Special About Mars?

Mars is special for several reasons. It has been the subject of human fascination for centuries, inspiring myths and science fiction. It is the most Earth-like of the other planets in our solar system, with polar ice caps and seasons similar to Earth's. Mars is also the focus of ongoing scientific exploration, being the target of numerous missions aiming to understand its potential for past life and the possibility of future human colonization. In astrology, Mars holds a significant place as it represents energy and the primal urge to survive and conquer, making it a powerful symbol of action and determination in an individual's life.

Powers of Mars by Jyotish Acharya Devraj Ji

Jyotish Acharya Devraj Ji, renowned as the father of the most accurate predictive astrology in India, perceives Mars as a celestial embodiment of force and fortitude. In his esteemed view, the powers of Mars are deeply interwoven with the human spirit's capacity for courage, competition, and action. Mars is the cosmic warrior, representing the raw energy that fuels our ambitions, the assertive drive that propels us forward, and the courage that enables us to confront life's battles. With its fiery red hue, Mars radiates a powerful energy that influences our desires, our approach to challenges, and our instinctual responses.

Acharya Devraj Ji teaches that Mars is a vital component in the astrological chart, symbolizing the blood of life – the vital force that sustains action and passion. A positive Mars endowment can manifest as a noble and chivalrous spirit, a disciplined athlete, a pioneering leader, or a protective guardian. These individuals exude confidence and possess the strength to overcome obstacles with a warrior's resolve. They approach life with a proactive stance, ready to take on the world with zeal and determination. Mars, when positively aspected, also confers a strategic mind, capable of navigating through complex situations with calculated precision.

However, an adversely aspected Mars can lead to excessive aggression, conflict, and impulsivity. Acharya Devraj Ji warns that such a Mars can incite rash decisions, accidents, and a propensity for discord. In his guidance, understanding the influence of Mars in one's chart is essential to harnessing its dynamic energies positively and mitigating its more challenging aspects. He advises that aligning oneself with Mars' constructive qualities involves disciplined physical exercise, the pursuit of martial arts, or any activity that channels the Martian energy into positive action. Honoring the deity associated with Mars, Lord Hanuman, through devotional practices can also pacify and strengthen Mars.

What is the strong effect of Mars?

  • - Confers assertiveness and the ability to take initiative.
  • - Grants physical strength, stamina, and vitality.
  • - Provides a courageous and adventurous spirit.
  • - Encourages leadership qualities and a competitive edge.
  • - Enhances the capacity for strategic and decisive action.

How do I know if my Mars is strong?

  • - You may have a naturally athletic physique and robust health.
  • - You exhibit assertive behavior and are not afraid to take risks.
  • - You tend to be successful in competitive environments.
  • - Your actions are decisive, and you are known for your directness.
  • - You have a strong presence and often take on leadership roles.

What are the bad effects of Mars?

  • - Can lead to a quick temper and aggressive behavior.
  • - May cause conflicts and a tendency towards violence.
  • - Can result in accidents or injuries due to impulsiveness.
  • - Might induce a domineering or overly forceful attitude.
  • - Could manifest as impatience and a lack of diplomacy.

How can I make my Mars stronger?

  • - Engage in regular physical activity to channel Mars' energy constructively.
  • - Practice disciplines such as martial arts or other competitive sports.
  • - Perform the Hanuman Chalisa to honor and appease Lord Hanuman.
  • - Wear red coral, the gemstone associated with Mars, to enhance its positive attributes.
  • - Focus on developing patience and strategic thinking to balance Mars' impulsivity.

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  • Andrew Coyne
    May 12, 2022

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    • Elexa Styan
      May 13, 2022

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vehicula mauris ac facilisis congue. Fusce sem enim, rhoncus volutpat condimentum ac, placerat semper ligula. Suspendisse in viverra justo, eu placerat urna. Vestibulum blandit diam suscipit nibh mattis ullamcorper. Nullam a condimentum nulla, ut facilisis enim.

  • Sarah Silvester
    May 14, 2022

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vehicula mauris ac facilisis congue. Fusce sem enim, rhoncus volutpat condimentum ac, placerat semper ligula. Suspendisse in viverra justo, eu placerat urna. Vestibulum blandit diam suscipit nibh mattis ullamcorper. Nullam a condimentum nulla, ut facilisis enim.

  • Cody Duff
    May 15, 2022

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent vehicula mauris ac facilisis congue. Fusce sem enim, rhoncus volutpat condimentum ac, placerat semper ligula. Suspendisse in viverra justo, eu placerat urna. Vestibulum blandit diam suscipit nibh mattis ullamcorper. Nullam a condimentum nulla, ut facilisis enim.


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