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Plan your day with Choghadiya; perfect timing for every task

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15 sept, 2023 1st-Houses-in-Astrology-Represents

Choghadiya brings auspicious timing to your doorstep—find yours now

Navigate the currents of time with Choghadiya Vaar Vela, your guide to selecting golden moments for success. Embrace the day's Choghadiya, each a cosmic guardian, ensuring every endeavor aligns with celestial favor. Check, read, and choose your Choghadiya, and let the stars chart your course to prosperity and peace.

What is the meaning of Choghadiya Vaar Vela?

Choghadiya Vaar Vela is a traditional Hindu system that divides the day into several periods called Choghadiyas, each with its own significance and suitability for various activities. "Vela" in this context refers to time or period, and "Vaar" refers to the day of the week. Thus, Choghadiya Vaar Vela is essentially about understanding the qualities of different times on a given day to determine the most appropriate period for undertaking certain tasks.

What is the meaning of day Choghadiya?

Day Choghadiya refers to the Choghadiyas that occur during the daylight hours, from sunrise to sunset. The day is divided into eight Choghadiyas, each approximately one and a half hours long, with each period ruled by a different planet and holding distinct astrological influences. These periods are used to assess the auspiciousness of initiating activities during the day.

How can I check my Choghadiya?

You can check your Choghadiya by referring to a Panchang or using an online Choghadiya calculator. These tools require inputting your location to determine the local sunrise and sunset times, as the Choghadiya periods are calculated based on these times. Once you have the local sunrise time, you can divide the day and night into eight parts to find the Choghadiyas for your specific location and date.

How to read Choghadiya?

Reading Choghadiya involves understanding the time division of a day into these Choghadiya periods and knowing the characteristics associated with each one. An auspicious Choghadiya is favorable for beginnings and important tasks, while an inauspicious Choghadiya might be better suited for routine or less significant activities. By consulting a Panchang or Choghadiya chart, you can determine the current period and plan your actions accordingly.

What are the different types of Choghadiya?

There are seven types of Choghadiyas, each with unique attributes: 1. Amrit (Nectar) - Highly auspicious, good for starting new ventures. 2. Shubh (Auspicious) - Favorable for all positive actions. 3. Labh (Profit) - Beneficial for business and trade activities. 4. Chal (Neutral) - Suitable for travel and routine work. 5. Rog (Disease) - Inauspicious, best to avoid starting important work. 6. Kaal (Death) - Considered very inauspicious, avoid for any new beginnings. 7. Udveg (Anxiety) - Unfavorable and may cause worries, to be avoided for important tasks.

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Which is the best Choghadiya?

The best Choghadiya for any activity is considered to be 'Amrit,' followed by 'Shubh,' as these periods are deemed highly auspicious and conducive to success. 'Labh' is also considered favorable, especially for business-related matters. However, the most suitable Choghadiya can vary depending on the specific activity and the individual's astrological chart. It's generally recommended to consult an astrologer or a detailed Panchang to choose the optimal Choghadiya for your needs.

Is Amrit Kalam good or bad?

Amrit Kalam, often referred to as Amrit Kaal or Amrita Siddhi Yoga, is considered highly auspicious in Hindu astrology. The term 'Amrit' translates to 'nectar,' and this period is believed to be filled with divine blessings. Activities undertaken during Amrit Kalam are thought to be imbued with success and longevity, akin to consuming the mythological nectar of immortality. It is deemed a propitious time for starting new ventures, making investments, entering into marriage, and various religious ceremonies. Overall, Amrit Kalam is viewed as very good and beneficial.

Is Rahu Kaal good?

Rahu Kaal is traditionally considered an inauspicious period in Vedic astrology. It is associated with Rahu, one of the Navagraha (nine planets) which is believed to be a malefic entity. Rahu Kaal occurs once every day for approximately one and a half hours, and its timing varies according to the day of the week and geographic location. During this time, it is advised to avoid commencing new ventures, important business decisions, or any auspicious ceremonies. While Rahu Kaal is a part of the natural cycle, it is generally not regarded as good for initiating endeavors that require a favorable outcome.

Is Rahu Kaal bad?

Considering the traditional astrological beliefs, Rahu Kaal is seen as an unfavorable time frame due to its association with the shadow planet Rahu, which is often linked to confusion, chaos, and unexpected outcomes. It is believed that activities started during Rahu Kaal may encounter obstacles, delays, or may not yield the desired results. Thus, many people prefer to refrain from significant activities during this period. In that sense, Rahu Kaal is considered bad for beginning important tasks.

Is Kaal Muhurat good or bad?

Kaal Muhurat, also known as Kaal Ratri, is another inauspicious time period in Hindu astrology. 'Kaal' means time or death, and a Muhurat refers to an auspicious time slot. Ironically, Kaal Muhurat is an oxymoron since it indicates a time that is not favorable for starting new projects or conducting important events. Activities undertaken during Kaal Muhurat may not be fruitful or can lead to negative outcomes. Therefore, this time is typically used for routine or mundane tasks rather than significant undertakings. Hence, Kaal Muhurat is generally considered bad for performing auspicious activities.