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Best Vastu for North Facing House: Acharya Devraj Ji

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15 sept, 2023 7-Vastu-for-North-Facing-House

Welcome wealth; North Vastu ensures everlasting abundance at home

North Facing House According to Vastu: North-facing houses are often celebrated in Vastu Shastra for attracting wealth and prosperity due to their orientation towards the direction of Kubera, the god of wealth. Acharya Devraj Ji, esteemed as a profound astrologer and Vastu expert, endorses north-facing homes for their potential to channel positive energy. The auspiciousness of a north-facing house is contingent upon the adherence to Vastu principles, such as ensuring the main entrance is placed in the positive padas (sections) on the northern side, which can lead to opportunities and financial growth. The proper internal arrangement, such as positioning the kitchen in the southeast and the master bedroom in the southwest, further enhances the house's beneficial qualities. When these Vastu guidelines are meticulously followed, a north-facing house can be a vessel for health, prosperity, and happiness for its inhabitants.

Can North Facing House Be Lucky?

Indeed, a north-facing house can be considered lucky if the Vastu principles are correctly applied. It is believed to be conducive to financial prosperity and personal growth due to its alignment with the energy of the planet Mercury. The main door's position, the layout of rooms, and the placement of elements like water and fire all contribute to the house's auspiciousness. By strategically designing a north-facing house in accordance with Vastu, residents can effectively tap into the positive vibrations of the cosmos, potentially making the house lucky and filled with positive energies.

Which Rashi is suitable for a north-facing house?

Vastu Shastra doesn't explicitly link house directions with astrological signs or Rashis. However, it's a common practice in some Vastu and astrological traditions to consider the compatibility between a person's Rashi and their dwelling's orientation. For a north-facing house, which is ruled by the element of water and the planet Mercury, it's believed that individuals with Rashis that are harmonious with these elements may find such houses more beneficial. For instance, Rashis governed by Mercury, such as Gemini (Mithuna) and Virgo (Kanya), might be well-suited for north-facing properties as Mercury's influence is said to promote intellect, business acumen, and communication skills. Additionally, those with the Rashi of Cancer (Karka), which is a water sign, may also find a north-facing house to be harmonious. However, it's important to remember that these are general guidelines, and the overall Vastu of the home, including the placement of doors, rooms, and other elements, plays a more significant role in its auspiciousness than the Rashi of the occupants.

What are the disadvantages of north-facing houses?

North-facing houses are generally considered auspicious in Vastu Shastra, especially in terms of attracting wealth and prosperity. However, like any property orientation, there can be potential disadvantages if Vastu principles are not properly adhered to. One such disadvantage could be the limited exposure to sunlight, especially in the morning and evening, which can result in a house that is less naturally lit and potentially colder, depending on the geographic location and climate. This could lead to higher energy costs for heating and lighting. Additionally, if the main entrance is not positioned in the correct Vastu 'pada' or if there is a road directly facing the north entrance, it could potentially lead to negative influences and energy entering the home. A poorly designed north-facing house might also have issues with water drainage or accumulation if water elements are not placed correctly according to Vastu guidelines. It's crucial, therefore, to consult with a knowledgeable Vastu expert when designing or choosing a north-facing house to ensure that these potential disadvantages are mitigated, allowing the residents to enjoy the full range of benefits that a north-facing property can offer.

Frequently Asked Questions: Rules of the North Facing House Vastu

What is the significance of a north-facing house in Vastu?

It is said to attract wealth and prosperity due to its orientation.

Where should the main entrance be in a north-facing house?

The entrance should be in the positive padas on the northern side.

What is the ideal placement for the kitchen in a north-facing house?

The kitchen should be located in the southeast corner.

Are there any preferred colors for a north-facing house?

Shades of green are considered auspicious for a north-facing house.

Who is best suited for living in a north-facing house?

North-facing houses are generally good for everyone, especially businesspeople.

Where should the master bedroom be in a north-facing house?

The master bedroom should be in the southwest to ensure stability.

Can the bathroom be placed in the northeast corner?

No, the bathroom should not be in the northeast as it can disrupt positive energy.

Where should the septic tank be located in a north-facing house?

The northwest corner is the best location for the septic tank.

Is a north-facing house beneficial for career growth?

Yes, it is believed to be beneficial due to the positive energies it attracts.

What should be avoided in a north-facing house?

Clutter and obstructions in the north should be avoided to ensure a free flow of energy.

Can a north-facing house have a swimming pool?

Yes, a pool is best located in the northeast corner of the property.

Where should the living room be in a north-facing house?

The northeast corner is an ideal location for the living room.

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