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Explore the cosmic rhythm: 27 Nakshatras guiding Vedic Astrology's celestial dance

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15 sept, 2023 What-is-Nakshatra

Embark on a Vedic voyage: Unravel the mysteries of 27 cosmic constellations

What is Nakshatra?

The best expert of Vedic astrology in India, Acharya Devraj ji tells that Nakshatras in Vedic astrology are a sophisticated system that provides nuanced insights into human behavior and cosmic influences. They contribute to the rich tapestry of Vedic astrological practice, offering a detailed and personalized approach to understanding the various aspects of life through the lens of the stars and planets. In Vedic astrology, also known as Jyotisha or Hindu astrology, a Nakshatra is a term that refers to the lunar mansions, which are specific divisions of the sky through which the Moon travels as it orbits the Earth. The concept of Nakshatras is one of the most fundamental components of Vedic astrology and is used to calculate various aspects of an individual’s life and personality, much like the zodiac signs in Western astrology.

The Role of Nakshatras in Vedic Astrology

A Nakshatra is a sector along the ecliptic (the apparent path of the Sun across the sky) through which the Moon passes in its cycle of approximately 27.3 days. To be precise, there are 27 Nakshatras (some systems include a 28th to account for the slight discrepancy due to the Moon's orbit), and each Nakshatra encompasses 13 degrees and 20 minutes of the ecliptic. The Moon spends about one day in each Nakshatra.

Each Nakshatra is associated with a specific set of qualities, a ruling planet, a ruling deity, and other astrological attributes. Vedic astrologers believe that the particular Nakshatra in which the Moon is positioned at the time of a person's birth has a profound influence on their character, behavior, and life path.

Nakshatra List

Here is a list of the 27 Nakshatras along with their corresponding range of degrees within the 360-degree circle of the zodiac and their ruling deities:

  • 1. Ashwini (0°00' - 13°20' Aries) - Ruling Deity: Ashwini Kumaras
  • 2. Bharani (13°20' - 26°40' Aries) - Ruling Deity: Yama
  • 3. Krittika (26°40' Aries - 10°00' Taurus) - Ruling Deity: Agni
  • 4. Rohini (10°00' - 23°20' Taurus) - Ruling Deity: Brahma
  • 5. Mrigashira (23°20' Taurus - 6°40' Gemini) - Ruling Deity: Soma
  • 6. Ardra (6°40' - 20°00' Gemini) - Ruling Deity: Rudra
  • 7. Punarvasu (20°00' Gemini - 3°20' Cancer) - Ruling Deity: Aditi
  • 8. Pushya (3°20' - 16°40' Cancer) - Ruling Deity: Brihaspati
  • 9. Ashlesha (16°40' - 30°00' Cancer) - Ruling Deity: Sarpa or Nagas
  • 10. Magha (0°00' - 13°20' Leo) - Ruling Deity: Pitrs
  • 11. Purva Phalguni (13°20' - 26°40' Leo) - Ruling Deity: Bhaga
  • 12. Uttara Phalguni (26°40' Leo - 10°00' Virgo) - Ruling Deity: Aryaman
  • 13. Hasta (10°00' - 23°20' Virgo) - Ruling Deity: Savitr
  • 14. Chitra (23°20' Virgo - 6°40' Libra) - Ruling Deity: Tvastar
  • 15. Swati (6°40' - 20°00' Libra) - Ruling Deity: Vayu
  • 16. Vishakha (20°00' Libra - 3°20' Scorpio) - Ruling Deity: Indra and Agni
  • 17. Anuradha (3°20' - 16°40' Scorpio) - Ruling Deity: Mitra
  • 18. Jyeshtha (16°40' - 30°00' Scorpio) - Ruling Deity: Indra
  • 19. Mula (0°00' - 13°20' Sagittarius) - Ruling Deity: Nirriti
  • 20. Purva Ashadha (13°20' - 26°40' Sagittarius) - Ruling Deity: Apas
  • 21. Uttara Ashadha (26°40' Sagittarius - 10°00' Capricorn) - Ruling Deity: Vishvedevas
  • 22. Shravana (10°00' - 23°20' Capricorn) - Ruling Deity: Vishnu
  • 23. Dhanishta (23°20' Capricorn - 6°40' Aquarius) - Ruling Deity: Vasu
  • 24. Shatabhisha (6°40' - 20°00' Aquarius) - Ruling Deity: Varuna
  • 25. Purva Bhadrapada (20°00' Aquarius - 3°20' Pisces) - Ruling Deity: Aja Ekapada
  • 26. Uttara Bhadrapada (3°20' - 16°40' Pisces) - Ruling Deity: Ahir Budhnya
  • 27. Revati (16°40' - 30°00' Pisces) - Ruling Deity: Pushan

The Significance of Nakshatras in Astrology

In Vedic astrology, Nakshatras are considered even more significant than Sun signs. They are used for various purposes, including determining the most auspicious times for events (Muhurta), compatibility in relationships (especially in marriage matching), and forecasting an individual's future through predictive astrology.

Each Nakshatra also has a corresponding symbol, animal, caste, gender, and other attributes that provide a deeper understanding of the Nakshatra's influence. For instance, the Nakshatra in which the Moon is placed at the time of one's birth, known as the "Janma Nakshatra," is particularly important in shaping an individual's nature, behavior, and life experiences.

Read More 27 Nakshatras and Their Characteristics in Astrology Click below

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  • Cody Duff
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