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Secure Prosperity: Vastu Reveals Wealth's Perfect Direction

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15 sept, 2023 best-place-for-locker-as-per-vastu

Vastu Points the Way to Financial Security and Growth

Vastu for Money Locker by Acharya Devraj Ji: In the realm of Vastu Shastra, the placement of the money locker is pivotal to attracting wealth and prosperity, as taught by Acharya Devraj Ji, India's preeminent astrologer. In our quest for financial stability and prosperity, safeguarding our wealth is a fundamental instinct. For many in India, the act of placing valuables in a vault or locker is more than a security measure—it is a step towards invoking cosmic favor. Astrological wisdom offers us a way to enhance this protection, teaching us how to arrange auspicious items within our lockers to not only guard but also to increase our wealth.

The Acharya Devraj ji elucidates that the optimal direction for a money safe is the north, the sphere of Lord Kubera, the God of Wealth. By positioning the money locker facing the north, you invite divine energies to augment affluence and financial stability. The locker should be positioned in such a way that it doesn't face the door directly, ensuring that wealth doesn't flow outwards.

Acharya Devraj Ji further advises that the money locker should not be placed under any heavy beams or in a secluded corner, as these can create a negative influence on the financial prosperity of the inhabitants. The money safe should be positioned against the south or west wall, ensuring it opens to the north, which is a harbinger of positive energy. Adhering to these principles, as delineated by Acharya Devraj Ji, individuals across the globe can harness the auspicious Vastu energies to foster wealth and abundance in their lives.

Placement of Money Locker : The placement of a money locker is crucial in Vastu Shastra to ensure financial prosperity. It is recommended that the locker be placed in the north direction of the room as this is considered the direction of Lord Kubera, the deity of wealth. The safe should ideally open towards the north-eastern direction to maximize the inflow of wealth.

Frequently Asked Questions on Money Locker Vastu:

Why is the north direction considered best for a money locker?

The north is ruled by Lord Kubera, the God of Wealth, and aligning your money locker to the north is believed to attract financial success.

Can I place my money locker in the south direction?

It is not recommended; the south is associated with the God of Death and may negatively affect financial growth.

Is it okay to have my money locker facing the door?

No, this is not advised as it can lead to wealth loss.

What should I put in my money locker for Vastu?

Keeping symbols of wealth like currency notes, gold, or a mirror reflecting the locker can amplify positive energy.

Where should I avoid placing the money locker?

Avoid placing it under a beam, near the bathroom, or in a corner.

What color should the money locker be?

Preferably auspicious colors like yellow or gold.

Can I place the money locker on a wall shared with the bathroom?

No, as this can have a negative effect on finances.

Should the money locker be kept open or closed as per Vastu?

It should be closed and locked when not in use to keep the energy contained.

What materials are favorable for a money locker?

Lockers made of iron or other metals are considered good for storing wealth.

How can I correct the Vastu of an incorrectly placed money locker?

Use Vastu remedies like placing a mirror on the north wall or using a yellow crystal ball.

Is it beneficial to place a Vastu pyramid near the money locker?

Yes, it can help in correcting Vastu defects and attract positive energy.

What should I avoid keeping in my money locker?

Avoid keeping unnecessary papers, clutter, or anything symbolizing debt near the locker.

By embracing the wisdom of Acharya Devraj Ji and aligning your money locker with Vastu principles, you can create a conduit for wealth and prosperity to flow into your life.

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